For a detailed description of the features provided by nuXmv, we suggest to read the User Manual (pdf).
Below we list the most important ones.
An extended language for synchronous systems
- Support for the AIGER format
- New set of types, namely 'Integer' and 'Reals', and Uninterpreted Functions
- New dumps of model in several external formats
- AIGER, VMT, BTOR (this last via an external script)
New model checking algorithms for finite-state systems
- Interpolation based invariant checking
- CAV'03 Mc Millan's interpolation algorithm
- Interpolation sequences algorithm
- IC3 based algorithms
- K-liveness
- Guided reachability
- Reachability analysis and invariant checking guided by a regular expression
- Interpolation based invariant checking
New model checking algorithms for infinite-state systems
- SMT-based techniques
- Bounded Model Checking
- K-induction
- K-liveness
- Interpolation Based
- IC3 based algorithms
- Abstraction based techniques
- Counter-Example Guided Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR)
- Refinement via Unsatisfiable Core and Interpolation
- K-induction with implicit abstraction
- Refinement via Unsatisfiable Core and Interpolation
- IC3 with implicit abstraction
- Counter-Example Guided Abstraction Refinement (CEGAR)
- SMT-based techniques
An extended set of functionalities
- Explicit FSM view generation
- Dump in .xmi format
- Subject to predicate abstraction
- Model simplification and recoding techniques
- Range Recoding
- Free input propagation
- Explicit FSM view generation